Time travel?

Suppose for a moment that we found a way to time travel.

I have a theory on how it would work. The mechanics. I would like everyone here to discuss the idea that time and space are relative but not the same.

Most modern ideas about time travel insinuate that to travel back in TIME is to travel back and see different things happen in that SPACE.

To travel back to 1931, you would suddenly be in the midst of World War II.

But I have a theory of time and space being related but not so closely. More like 2 parts to a machine, the physical part (space) and the incorporeal, more theoretical part (time).

The way I see it, to travel back in time does not mean that objects in that space will reverse age or that suddenly things from the past will show up in that space. I feel that time is more of a reference point in the universe that has no affect on what is in that space.

I compare it to a pointer in programming. Doesn't matter where the pointer is, just matters what it's pointing to.


Very interesting.

I still believe though that you cannot move back in time in the sense that you can travel back to a past event, but rather you would be shifting the infinite time line of the universe, which in essence does nothing but change your current state of time.

Thank you VERY much for that link, I'm very interested in seeing physical experiments in which time has been isolated.

But I truly believe that time cannot be isolated because it is joined to space, so to isolate the time you would need destroy the space, which suddenly makes it completely intangible and non-existent except in theory.

Update 3:

Err, I didn't realize my typo with World War II.

I meant 1941 >.<

Update 5:

Many of you people don't understand the concept I have proposed and I truly believe you didn't even read the concept.

Like the very last response I just got, "Time travel is a man made blah blah blah"

That is the MISCONCEPTION I was talking about.

You're thinking of time travel as a means of actually going somewhere or doing something. But what I'm saying is that all it is is a shift in perception. Like moving an infinite line back 2 feet. What does that matter? You didn't go anywhere.

That is the concept.

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