I Think Im Physic...?

ok so it all started from my grandmother from my moms side

when she was young and now she gets dreams that come true

all the time,

then my mom is the second her eye lids or eyebrows or eye lash

or eyes idk twitches when something is going to happens...

im the third to experience stuff for instance one time when i was young

i had a dream that my baby sister is coming that day and when i woke

up my mom wasnt here and i asked my bro where she was and he said

in the hospital shes having the baby.....

and one time i was thinking weird idk i hated my self for thinking that,

that my dads grandmother died......

then a couple months later my eyes where twitching like crazy all day

and the next day my mom told me my dads grandmother died....

oh and i keep getting daja vus a lot for instance when i was like 3

i had a dream of this guy and i always saw him in my dreams and

one day i was outside with my grandmother and i saw him driving

on his car i was so creeped :O :(

what can this be am i physic or what? i need answers :(

" btw sorry for my bad grammer"


sorry i misspelled psychic :)

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